Monday, 16 June 2014

Another week goes by

This week we have

put up shelves in bathroom 

ditto in spare bedroom wardrobe

and solved the problem of overhead lighting - 

Because the ceilings are so low, under three metres, the pendant lights looked silly, and we were finding it really difficult to find a compromise for lampshades. I don't like the ones that are glass and face up to the ceiling, or even screw onto the ceiling, and any normal lampshade would come down to low (sons banging heads on them, etc.)  So we have found some very slim batten holders from a nice company called The and some ES bulbs that are like globes, Calex, from good old John Lewis.

The bulbs may not have the highest energy rating, but they are long life and we don't use overhead lighting very much, as we tend to go for side lights, and there are huge windows and sky lights in the hall.

Very satisfactory weekend, as you will see:

bathroom shelving (they are level, I wasn't standing straight)

Slatted shelves in part of the wardrobe
(the books are there to hold the slats down whilst the glue dries)
light bulb and fitting

lit light bulbs
Will take pictures of the bulb and holder when the next shipment arrive and we have not wired them in so you can see what they really look like - also might help if I took photos in the daylight.  

Off to watch some footie now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie

    It is all looking rather fabulous! Well done the two of you. Hope you had a nice holiday. Sounds as if you might have needed it. It would be good to catch up to see up close and pinch your ideas. We're still waiting (5 months and counting) for our building warrant.

    Best Regards

