Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Towards the end of January 2014............

Time is strange, it doesn't seem long since Christmas. And yet, January seems to have stretched forever.  

All the family back home and doing their various things: at work; taking exams; new courses; looking for new ventures/adventures. 

We are moving on slowly, having to do one thing so that we can move stuff around to be able to do another.

Mostly we have been building a partition in the garage to create a cosy space for archiving books and papers, and to keep it separate from the workshop space at the back.  

We have made use of the original house doors to create a partition.  Now to paint.

Have also been sealing the shower walls in the en-suite bathroom, having found, eventually, and at great cost, a 150mm (6") cowl to go over the pipe, which was letting in water and damaging the ceiling of the shower.  Not sure why it had to be such a big pipe, but it was on the original plan.  Wonder whether it should have had a bigger fan, as the one we have is only a 100mm (4") one.  However, have now solved the problem so no rain coming in through the pipe.  Also found a hit/miss vent cover to go in the bathroom, instead of the unsightly hole in the ceiling.  Mark has now been on the roof and tightened all the covers to the pipe works so now there is no water ingress through them.

We have been looking at the big mirror we have and wondering where to put it!

Have decided that on the wall above where it is propped up now would be a good place.  It is a solid wall and will take the weight, and would reflect light into the hallway.

And here it is well screwed to the wall - I think you can see that it is a mighty piece of work, made by a friend of ours.

We also put up this by the front door.  Love this happy image of Picasso and Francoise Gilot, by Robert Capa, from 1948.

Have received some metal legs today, to make a desk/table for the computer in the sitting room.  Not unpacked yet, but expect to see them soon.

Also, am in the process of making some glass tiles for a splashback in the bathroom, so pictures of those when they have been made.

So, although the house is nearing completion, still lots of things to show you in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking very homely! Nice to see your 'things' going up xx
