Sunday, 19 April 2015

Completion Certificate

Just waiting for a drawing, and to send some information re the stove to Building Control, and we should be done!!

Did we ever think the day would come!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Half way through April

As promised, some pictures...........

raising the raised beds 1


and 3

bedroom curtains

totally whacky

the bargain IKEA chair with its retro cover

birthday plants!

birthday flowers (from good Friday)

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday

Sorry its been over a month since last update.  

Think we have been busy, finished curtains and put them up.
Had a birthday.
Made a cover for an armchair.
Started work on the raised beds (the timber came on Friday)
Mark finished pickaxing the impacted earth in the gardens by the front door and I have planted up the grasses that I had, but am waiting to condition the soil before planting anything else.  

So, not much news really!!

Here are some pictures.

grasses planted up and group turned over

plants waiting to go in second bed

timber and the start of the raised beds

Will put some pictures up soon of the fabric projects.