Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Mid 20th Century chair revamp

The £20 chair revamp is finished.

The chair frame, sanded and oiled came up a beautiful red mahogany colour.  
New webbing and foam, then covered with fire retardant calico.
Chose a bargain fabric which we thought went with the frame, and echoed the fabric that was removed, rather than a wildly modern fabric.  We are saving that for the bedroom curtains - along the theme of "The Italian Job".  

Wondering now whether to attempt to cover the (bargain £50) IKEA chair - slightly worried as the fabric I want is nearly £30 a metre, as opposed to this chair which was £4.99 a metre.  Maybe save myself the £250 I have been quoted to cover it.

Come back soon to see what I have decided to do.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Six days and a half day to clean up - they call it hard landscaping for a reason

The surround-a-house is complete, despite the downpours.  The planting areas are a quagmire, but they will dry out eventually.  I have spent a couple of days with cousin Nicola identifying suitable plants.  I do have in mind grasses and verbena bonariensis, alliums and other tallish plants to complement the grasses in the strip garden.  The triangle part I think will have bulbs and the black mondo grass as a carpet, but need to check that the site is suitable.  I think there will also be some alchemilla to soften edges too.

The wide entrance area, which catches the afternoon/evening sun (if it ever shines again) will have a seating area, probably with the settle that is in the house, and pots and planters to soften it. 

So here are the pictures, I hope they are fairly informative - will be for those who have seen the house.

Oh, nearly forgot, three posts in (to screen off the shed when it is moved to other side of house) to create a screen for storing ladders, wheelbarrows, bins etc., and also to create a log store.  

the terrace complete from one wall

to the other

posts for the 'utility area' and log store (green shed and slabs going)

Monday, 17 November 2014

WET, rain and more rain - but almost complete

Too dark to show you the splendid work that Roots and Shoots have done, but will try and get some photos on tomorrow if it ever stops raining, and we get some bright daylight. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Later that week

How amazing are the landscapers - the surround-a-house now looks like this - I have only taken pictures through the window at the moment as I don't want to disturb or embarrass the guys.

Now the serious business of plants will begin.

outside the sitting room side door

the path to the front door (from the bedroom)

Monday, 10 November 2014

A lovely sunny Monday morning and pathworks begin

A lovely day for the start of the hard landscaping of the front terrace the side entrance and associated works - gosh that sounds formal, anyway a couple of pics to be going on with - both taken from the kitchen doorway....

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

November 5th - bonfire/fireworks night

No fireworks here, but we have our new metal legs on the table (which may well have been forged, or at least welded), so there is a vague fire connection there.

These are the legs that you will have seen previously, which were made by Conan the Blacksmith.  Very elegant they look too, I think.  Hope you agree. We have put them on a shortened version of the table we have been using in the stead of a 'real' table, as we have not been able to come to any decisions about what that should be, other than it would have Conan's legs on it. 

sawing the end off the table


finished, and ready for use

The beam in the studio has risen, and there is no pool of water on the roof any more.  Photos to follow.