Sunday, 27 July 2014

This and that and IKEA

A positive week.

Collected the new corner posts; the ones to cover the discrepancy between the Rockwall wall and the Rendalath wall, and the new corner post for the third corner window.  Took them off to the powder coater and collected them on Thursday.  That seems very efficient especially with the length of time it usually takes to get anything done.  Just waiting for some timber to be sized and then we can fit them.

Andrew finished off the roof completely yesterday, lowering a couple of corners which seemed a bit proud, and capping some bits of roof where it was likely a nail would protrude in due course.  These are the expensive, extra long nails which had to be purchased, and which were not put into the joists, but just protruded through the insulation and osb board (first builder's failing).

George has been to finalise what we want for the paths to the house.  Start in a couple of weeks.

Our young plumber is coming to put a tap by the gate on Monday.

Mark spent all Friday morning building the drawers for the new kitchen unit, only to find that they had sent one which were too big for the carcass.  IKEA very helpful and new drawers being sent and old ones collected, next Tuesday.

We have sanded and varnished the sink worktop as the varnish we put on was lifting with hot cups on it.  Hopefully the new stuff will solve the problem.

Some pictures:  

The IKEA parcels

Where the new unit will be sited 

worktop varnished

- ditto -

Monday, 21 July 2014

Curtains and Kitchen

Spent part of the weekend and today putting up the curtain track in the sitting room.  

Close to the garden wall
and the other big window track
Pigeon holes installed
and glasses, mugs, plates etc., on them

We also went to Ikea and bought a stainless steel unit thing to go next to the cooker - it has drawers in it which will solve the problem of us trying to make drawers to go under the worktop.  Just waiting for it to be delivered as they didn't have what we wanted in stock.  Then the fun will begin trying to put it together.  Four drawers and the carcass........

We also bought a bargain armchair, just the size we were looking for, but it needs a loose cover on it, so the hunt for some jolly fabric will begin shortly, once I have made a pattern and worked out how much fabric I require.  We also have a very elderly chair, which is falling to pieces fabric wise, the woodwork is fine,but it has a metal spring frame - I am swithering whether to have it reupholstered professionally or whether to do it myself with foam cushions.  Watch out for pictures of chairs.

Thats all for tonight.  Thanks for watching.

Monday, 14 July 2014

This week has been mostly.........


So far this week I have painted the studio door, which was something that had needed doing for a loooooong time.

Whilst doing this noticed marks on the cedar woodwork, like someone had been scratching.  Discovered the culprit to be a wasp which was stripping the wood for a nest, which I think might be under the roofing felt.  Have looked up on the internet to find out what was going on, and what we should do.  Undecided yet, as the roof edge is going to be finished with the unused trim from the house, and don't want to incarcerate the poor things that will be in the nest.  

SUNDAY saw the arrival of Howard, with the pigeon holes for the kitchen and the timber to finish off the corners where the windows join on to the brick chimney, which now just need to be oiled.  


Yesterday I put a white wash on the pigeon holes and today finished with a coat of clear acrylic varnish.  Some discussion as to painting the wall behind them before they go up....... always a concentrated discussion on colours; lime green, bright turquoise, pink?  Watch this space.

pigeon holes before

the split shelves for mugs and cups

washed with white paint and varnished

Soon be putting up the curtain tracks, and making the curtains.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Been away - not much building work happening. Hopefully it will all be done by end of month.

Had thought that the roof corners, the interior woodwork and the exterior corner posts would either by finished, or at least in situ........ still waiting.

Have been away for a family get-together in Shropshire, which was wonderful to have everyone together again (except David, who was working away in Spain).  Maybe the next one will be in Spain too.  

Am in process now I am back of chasing up suppliers, workmen etc.  But had a surprise yesterday morning when the re-covered settee was delivered, totally unexpected, and of course I couldn't find any keys to open up gates, or big windows, they had been put in a safe place....!  Managed to get it in through the door on its side.  

without cushions

and with

Always a worry when you choose fabric, how the finished look will be.  Think the plain fabric goes well with the style of the settee and that although it keeps its antique style it looks quite modern too.  

Next on list is two small contrasting armchairs that are light enough to move around from tv viewing area to main seating area.  Have one very old one, which needs re-upholstering, so that may be next.  We haven't seen any new ones that are comfortable and light enough to move easily, apart from on-line and you can't try them out!  Did go to a store who sell online, having seen some chairs we thought might be o.k. but, in real life they are not right.  Not high enough to support your head, and too heavy.   Maybe we will find a second hand one that needs doing up.  Keep looking. 

That's all for now, will be back when more building moves happen.