Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Tuesday 25th March - progress on roofing

Andrew, who is going to finish off the roof for us, has been and set up a line around the building to enable him to make the trim level, as the roof has unevenesses - for example the roof on one side of the chimney is 2 inches lower than the on the other.  

Work starts next weekend..........

An additional treat to having this line is that when the wind blows it starts to hum, so the house is now a music box.

The pictures show the corner points and levels that Andrew has set up.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Tuesday 18th March

Some pictures of the before and afters of the floor painting, just simple stuff, needing a couple of coats for a good finish, on the rather uneven surface.
We are using Farrow and Ball 'green smoke' floor paint.

bathroom floor prepared for painting, waiting on delivery of primer and paint

the en suite repainted

small bedroom cleaned ready for painting

first coat

second coat - think it needs another one as painted over shiny surface!

And the OSB sealing......

Similar work done on all the panels around the house.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Saturday 15th March

Today have been mostly

  • sealing the metal work either side of the chimney

  • painting the exposed OSB with weatherproof sealer 

  • painting floors

and watching RUGBY.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Wednesday 12th March 2014

Slowly gathering together various people to finish the building....

In the meantime, the curtain track has arrived, so we will be spending the weekend measuring, levelling and getting it up.  Am about to order some soft cream linen fabric to shade the sitting room when it is very sunny (like it has been today).

track, with lots of hooks and tape - ignore my foot! 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Wild and windy March 2014

The saying is that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, or the other way around.  This year it seems to be coming as a lion and we have been battling to keep the tarpaulins attached to the side of the house.  Hopefully not for much longer as at long last some quotes are coming in from the Rockwool people and their contractors, so watch this space, but don't do it whilst holding your breath!!!!!

Some photos of the billowing tarps.  Don't know how many people Christo must have had when he wrapped up his various buildings.  I suppose if we could tie it down round the whole building that would do the trick, then we couldn't get in (or out).

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Wednesday, 5th March 2014

No posts recently, not a lot to say.  Still waiting for......... all the bits to be finished.  Moving along very, very slowly.  I give it six weeks to be finished!!!! Ha.

In the meantime, have ordered a blind for the study corner of the sitting room; have been thinking about a table top to go with the legs that I have bought. Have put up some ornaments and acquired two or three art works, for which we won't have wall space!  Need to decide where we will put the rotating picture shelf (the pictures will rotate, not the shelf).

Had a comment, and I don't know how to post a response, other than here, so here goes:

Hi Maggie, we have installed idealcombi windows recently and have noticed that most of the external corners have been 'filed down' to remove sharp edges thus exposing the aluminium beneath the powder coating. Have you experienced this? Ideal say this is 'standard practice' but this is nonsense.... 
Hi Steven,
No, all our corners were complete with powder coating.  No exposed edges anywhere.  I would not expect there to be any un-coated edges anywhere. The only problems we had with the installation was that I was not aware that they had installers in Scotland.  So our windows had to be un-installed (as you will have seen) and then re-installed.  If I had known that on the list of installers Midcon had installers here I would have used them.I would get back on to IdealCombi, I wouldn't it satisfactory.  Certainly no sign of filed edges in their showroom, or on the aluminium samples of colours that we received.  Good luck.
Hope your build has gone better than ours.
Best wishes,

That's all for the moment, folks.  I hope to be giving you some good news, very, very soon.