Tuesday, 30 April 2013

TUESDAY 30th April

Electricians doing first fix yesterday and internal building work continuing, most of the OSB boarding done......

Pictures show cabling for first fix

Changes in the old bathroom

looking towards the new hall

The old front, and now old bathroom wall and the beginning of the hall cupboard

Towards kitchen, showing cabling

new bedroom views with cabling

Where the old front door used to be, looking into original hall and beyond to garden

the render on south front...... still to be finished, but looking good in the sunshine this am

Monday, 29 April 2013


Electricians got me out of bed this a.m. and are in now doing 1st fix.  

Most of the wall insulation around the place has been done, and boarded over. Stud work for wall between hall and kitchen is up, that means there is some privacy in bathroom, for the moment.  New wall to be formed so the hall cupboard can go in.  John cut through wardrobe in middle bedroom so he could get insulation in, that room has always felt really cold, so it will be cosy from now on.

Expecting plasterer to finish off exterior today.

sitting room boarded out

sitting room boarded out

sitting room almost boarded out

bedroom two insulation

bedroom two insulation

bedroom two wardrobe cut out and insulation

electricians starting first fix in master bedroom

new stud wall to kitchen

kitchen insulation

kitchen insulation

stud wall to kitchen looking to new hall, and you can see a bit of the old bathroom

Saturday, 27 April 2013

27th April, Saturday - this week we have been talking mainly about insulation......

Very cold but brilliant blue sky - NW wall is waiting to be certified and the exterior needs to be finished; but insulation in the interior is cracking on.  Bits and pieces of remedial work needed and we have to make up our mind about doors in the new hall way - new hall, new doors is the order of the day.  But decisions, decisions........

We have a different builder for the interior who gave us a competitively priced package including the plumbing.  

The electrician comes on Tuesday for first fix... you will see huge changes very soon.




the Rockwool wall and some details


sunshine in the front of the house

looking forward to more shadows when we have a garden

Ah. do we have dry rot?

Monday, 22 April 2013

Monday 22nd April - very windy and intermittent sun

I said not much was happening at the moment, hopefully the exterior will soon be finished, if the weather is kind.  Can't believe it will soon be May - will we really be in the house in June...../Christmas - who's taking bets.

Anyway, a few spring photos to keep you going........

Friday, 19 April 2013

FRIDAY 19th April.......

Well spring has hit, and it has been so windy, and showery, so having the best of the mad March weather (that we didn't) have) and April showers,with lovely patches of sun. The daffodils have come out and are nodding their heads furiously.

I am indoors sourcing materials for the next stage of the building, and Mark has just come home and is demolishing more of the interior, ready for the refit.  Which starts on Monday.  Why don't manufacturers make things in the right sizes for odd bits of building.  Everything is either too big, or too small.

Meetings organised next week with architects, engineers and builders, but we have to be away on Mull to visit Mark's elderly aunt Jackie.  There is no mobile signal where we are going, and internet?  Well, I think I will leave the ipad at home.

Well, back to the spread sheet, and price comparisons.

More later next week, when I hope the wind has died down and it is dry enough to let the team get on with the final bits of the exterior.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Week 15 - Warmer and very windy

Yesterday was a public holiday, so no work on site.  Sealing windows has been going on today, but its the sort of thing that you don't notice much, so no pictures today.

Still waiting for the Rockwall people to come and finish off - but its April, and there are showers around.  But the sun is shining and the building looks good from where I am sitting in the garage.

Keep looking back to see what is happening, probably no post tomorrow as I am out all day.

Friday, 12 April 2013

FRIDAY 12th April - another week ends.... and look how good it is looking

Before -  in case you can't remember what it looked like!  And now the exterior is almost finished...... Well done Kevin and the boys, and Helen and Richard.

 I showed you the new front yesterday

imagine when this is all cleaned and polished and new pebbles surrounding the footings, and  perhaps some new paving 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Wednesday 10th April - I seem to have missed yesterday......?

I don't know what happened with yesterday - usual flurry of visitors, builders, afternoon tea, architects, builders, plumbers, etc.  Days get so full!

However, here are some pictures - the Rockwool team came today and they have started to put the base onto the insulation.  MTS have started to put the roof trim on the parts that they are rendering.  I think its looking good!

NW wall with Rockwool



front, with some of the trim on it

side wall
 some details below